1·These results give us a glimpse into early European life. A preference for food with a higher fat content would have been important for survival.
2·If that's true, modern choanoflagellates give us a glimpse of how multicellular animals began.
3·Merrill is about to give his audience a rare glimpse into the future according to Google, and explain the workings of the company and the computer systems behind it.
Merrill即将带给他的听众们一个相当难得的机会,去窥视Google的未来。 并且解释Google的运作方式和这背后的计算机系统。
4·These results give us a glimpse into early European life where brewing and dairy produce were important sources of calories during the winter months.
5·Spanish entrepreneur wants to give you a glimpse of the black expanse of space and the curvature of the earth from a most unusual vantage point — a balloon.
6·I often go looking for quotations containing the word I'm looking into and sometimes these give a glimpse into history.
7·The mini-lessons will give you a glimpse at the kind of things you’ll learn in b-school and help you make sure an MBA is right for you.
8·These apps give a glimpse of what we can expect to see as more people use smartphones to access health information.
9·At first the marines must run the course of so-called "psychological preparation" which aims to give them a glimpse of the fight and simulate real fighting conditions.
10·The following video can give you a glimpse of what you can do.